Cherry Class

September 2024

Welcome to a new year in Cherry Class

'Hello' to our new children and "welcome back" to our returning children.

We have been reading the story 'Dear Zoo', and learning songs about counting and number.


It has been a busy term and the weather has been very wet! The garden has been full of puddles!

This term the story focus has been Goldilocks and the 3 Bears and the children have enjoyed learning the repeated refrains, "who's been sitting in my chair!". as well as acting out the story using props. 

We have been making pizza, pancakes and read stories linked to this including, 'Mr Wolf's Pancake' and 'The runaway Pizza'.

We had a Pirate Day to celebrate world book day.  Together we read the story 'Pirate Love Underpants' and the  children came dressed as pirates or their favourite character. They also created their own costumes by making eyepatches, bandanas and designed their own underpants.


Through our enhanced provision we have been using the community space for music and movement. The children have been learning Zumba and Yoga. 

We have continued to visit our Wild Forest every week where the children are beginning to notice a change in the seasons and showing curiosity in their search for bugs. 

At the end of term the sun came out and we enjoyed a picnic in the garden!



Welcome back to a new year and term.

We have been welcoming new children to the class over the last 5 weeks.

This term we have had a focus on maths reading the book Faster, Faster, Nice and Slow which uses lots  comparative maths language around opposites like, 'up and down', fast and slow, in and out. The children created black and white collages looking at the contrasting colours. We have been singing lots of number songs and counting back from 10-1 which inspired a lot of ideas around space and rockets.  


We have been looking for signs of spring painting pictures of 'Snowdrops'.

We have been visiting the forest garden on site as a whole nursery so please make sure you child has appropriate clothing for the weather at the moment.

This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year, eating noodles using chopsticks, and learning about how families celebrate this festival.



It has been a very busy term. The seasons are changing and the children have been wrapping up warm to play outside.

Our story focus for the first half of this term has been 'The Little Red Hen', exploring feelings and how we can be kind and helpful to others. Also to help understand the whole process of making bread we  read Zed's Bread. We made bread together and ate it for snack.


A theatre company visited nursery and put on a pantomime production of Cinderella. This was a wonderful interactive, sensory experience for the children which they thoroughly enjoyed.


The second half of this term the children have worked really hard learning the songs for the Nativity play, they also helped make their own costumes.

We have also been reading The Gingerbread Man.  The children have enjoyed the repeated refrain and acting out the story using puppets and props. We have also enjoyed other Christmas stories.


We will be making Gingerbread before the end of term.

Myself, Nahid and Anya would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas. 




It has been a great few weeks and we have now come to the end of the first term. The children are settling in well, getting to know the familiar adults, routine and enjoying the nursery provision inside and out.

We have continued to enjoy bear stories including, Where's my teddy? and 'This is the bear'.

The children have also been interested in dragons from reading the story George and the dragon. 

We have also been visiting the library and forest garden regularly.

The weather has been quite wet but the children have been making the most of this building channels and rivers in the sand and building bridges.

This week we made pumpkin soup, first writing a shopping list for the ingredients then preparing the soup by chopping the vegetables and finally eating the soup at snack time!

Have a great half term.




I would like to say a big hello to our new families and returning families. 

Over the last two weeks we have been focussing on settling in and routines. To help with this we have been reading the story 'Peace at last' about a bear that cannot sleep.


The children enjoyed bouncing the bears on our stretchy fabric, counting them off then on again.

We have also been focussing on animal sounds and names. Taking turns to choose an animal from the bag. The children have also been learning a song about a 'Bumpy red tractor', this coincided with a tractor cutting the school grass on the same day which children watched excitedly from the fence.

The children have shown an interest in shapes, creating collages some using scissors and glue.

Meet Sally! 

Sally leads in Cherry class. She is a qualified teacher and supports the school team with planning. She has worked in Early Years for many years and loves coming up with fresh ways to engage even the most reluctant learner.