Willow Class


For our final term in the school year, we have continued our learning about growth and thought about how much we have also grown as children. We have read 'Jack and the beanstalk' and used props to retell the story and have been talking about size and height.

We have drawn around ourselves and seen just how big we are. Such a surprise!


And last of all, we've waited a long time for our potatoes to grow. We enjoyed digging them up, helping to wash them and best of all - eating them!


And that's it! We have had an amazing time learning and growing together and making friendships. We in Willow class would like to say 'Goodbye' to all the children who will be leaving us to start the next chapter of their journey in school, we will miss you all. Have a wonderful summer everyone!

Willow class.



For our spring term, we began with a group of visitors in the form of tiny caterpillars that we have enjoyed looking after and watching grow. We have been reading books about the lifecycle of caterpillars such as 'Little Caterpillar' and 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.



We all planted a sunflower seed and read a lovely story to support our understanding of seeds and growth called, 'Little Sunflower', and even planted potatoes! We've learned so much about how to take care of living things.


We've noticed the changing season, and celebrated spring and nature through art.




We have been quite busy this term with events to celebrate. We started off with making pizza's to support our exploration of shape.


For World Book Day we dressed up as pirates and read the story 'Pirates love underpants'. It was so much fun seeing everyone in their different outfits! We coloured in pictures of underpants and had a treasure hunt.


To celebrate Easter, we created and decorated an Easter tree and made crispy chocolate nests. We watched a video about how Christians celebrate Easter and looked at a book about eggs and all the different forms of life that start as eggs.




This term we have been learning about opposites and pattern. We have read a lovely, easy to read book called 'Faster, Faster, Nice and Slow'. This book has helped us to understand what the word 'opposite' means.

We have celebrated Chinese New Year, this year was the year of the Dragon. We cooked and tried noodles and watched a story that taught us of it's history.




This term our focus books have been Little Red Hen and Zed's Bread. Little Red Hen taught us where flour comes from and Zed's Bread taught us how bread is made. This book had some lovely gross and fine motor actions which we used to knead our dough.



We have celebrated a number of festivals, including Diwali. We all got to try naan bread and poppadoms.



We've talked about Halloween, some of the children shared how they dressed up as dinosaurs, pumpkins and skeletons and went out for Trick or Treat, receiving gifts of sweets.

We also talked about Bonfire Night, what we might see and hear, then used paint glue and glitter to create firework art.


To end the term we've celebrated Christmas with parties, a Nativity performance, stories and baking gingerbread.




Good afternoon,

This month we have been welcoming the new season of Autumn. We have been drawing the classes attention to the changes seen in the outside environment and each day introducing a natural item found during this time of year such as acorns, conkers, fir cones and leaves. We have encouraged the children to have a look for these items when out and about. Alongside this, we have read a book called 'The Little Acorn' which tells the story of the life cycle of an acorn.



We have also drawn the class's curiosity to a pumpkin. Each child took it in turns to hold and feel the pumpkin and have a go at guessing what they thought might be inside. We then made a soup using a squash and created a list of ingredients to add to it using the children's ideas.






Good Afternoon All!

For the past two weeks our focus has been on routine, learning how to be independent and celebrating what we can do. Our focus book has been 'Peace At Last' which is a lovely book with a simple repetitive text that the children have had fun joining in with. Alongside this, we have been reading books and singing action songs about going to bed, using the bathroom and getting up. 


Meet Anne-Marie! 21/09/23

Anne-Marie leads in Willow Class. She has worked at The Slade for a number of years and knows the community and school really well. She also works closely with Catherine our school SENDCO and is passionate that all children can access our curriculum and get the support they need to flourish.